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Here is the latest news for the FPS fans...

Black Ops 3                                                                                                                David Veselka - May 2015

According to those who’ve had hands-on time with the game, Black Ops 3’s Create-A-Class once again adopts the Pick-10 system that gained much popularity in Black Ops 2. It returns in more-or-less the same fashion, but with a few alterations. As before, players will be able to use Wildcards to stock up on Perks — six in total, if they so desire — or make extra room to equip up to four grenades — two lethal and two tactical. The option to equip two primary weapons is also still there with Wildcards like Overkill. What differs in Black Ops 3 is the way attachments are organized. For starters, weapon optics are now counted in their own separate slot. Furthermore, utilizing Wildcards, secondary weapons can equip up to two attachments in addition to an optic, while primary weapons can equip up to five attachments in addition to an optic.


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Dying Light                                                                                                         Tom Hoggins - February 23, 2015


In a zombie apocalypse, those who can run hold the power. This is the concept Techland’s Dying Light explores, casting you as a parkour-adept courier in the quarantined city of Harran. Its first-person free-running recalls Mirror’s Edge, but it is grimier, clumsier. These are desperate scrambles over ramshackle rooftops, not graceful sprints across a pristine city. A seething mass of undead shuffle around at street level below you as you hoik yourself up telegraph poles and leap between abandoned cars and buses. There’s a definite thrill to the movement, particularly given the very real threat of a misplaced jump leading to a crunchy end. The large maps have a dense but precise design that encourages unbroken sprints, but doesn’t give them up too easily. 

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Evolve                                                                                                                      Tina Amini -  February 17, 2015


I've been playing a lot of Evolve over the last week and the questions I hear are all the same: Are you tired of this game yet? Is it really repetitive? The answer to each is, simply, no and yes, respectively.Some of you will hate this game. You'll think its rote nature too boring or find your teammates constantly lacking. Some of you, like me, will fit naturally within the "one more round" structure of Evolve, and you'll have found a group of friends to play with who don't totally suck. You'll learn your roles, you'll communicate, and you'll have fun becoming expert hunters and expert monsters. That's just the kind of divisive experience Evolve is.


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